"Mom, my birthday is in three months and xx days. I already told teacher about it and my classmates." Imagine your son saying this over and over again for months. He was really looking forward to his birthday because he wants a celebration just like his brother who had clowns during his first birthday and Christening. I rarely throw parties for my kids, for one, I don't want the hassle of inviting, making follow-ups and dealing with the drama of everything. Do not get me wrong though, I want them to celebrate it in a way they will enjoy every year connecting with the real world. That is the reason why we take them places on their birthday.

This time, on my eldest's seventh, we want to grant his request of celebrating his birthday at Jollibee with friends and family. Yes, he requested Jollibee party and he was excited that he really looked forward to it every single day. It was special to him despite being simple because it was the first time he will be celebrating it with mascots and friends.

But again the dilemma lies with a mother of three without a nanny to book for a party. I was really thinking of going through physical fastfood stores just to book his party and later on realized why not search through google instead if they have online booking. True enough, they have!

Internet really saved me a lot of effort, time and stress going through the hassle of physically booking a party. Just imagine me lugging along three rowdy kids and for sure I will not be able to focus anyway. But in just several clicks and I was able to book my son's birthday party online through Jollibee's online party booking.

You only need to prepare three things though: list of guests, alternatives and a credit card with at least P3,000 to spend for the reservation fee. All you need to do is to go to their website here: Jollibee Online Party Booking.

After going through the booking in their website, here are some tips for you in order for you to still tweak and add a little DIY to your party.

1. Lootbags. I did not add lootbags from Jollibee. Instead, I made our own lootbag wherein we can choose what to include inside the lootbags for the kids and adults. 

2. Cake. Every year, if there is a chance to get them personalized cakes on their birthdays, I always order whatever they fancy (cartoon character) for the year. Good thing though that I ordered another cake apart from what I got from their online booking site because they called two hours prior to the party that they couldn't provide a cake on the day of my son's birthday. Good thing I have a Pikachu cake made by @rika or else we will be in trouble. In case you decide to provide a cake on your own, you need to sort it out with the branch first. 

3. Prizes for the games. Jollibee provides for small trinkets ofr the kids but you can provide them also with prizes should you wish to add more for the kids. 

That's it. Let me know if you have to add something here, leave them below in the comment box. 

In this blogpost, I will be sharing with you yet again another Tamang Kain recipe which was a hit to my picky eater eldest. I chose to wrap the vegetables in lumpia wrapper because he likes eating anything wrapped in crispy lumpia wrapper and I don't want him to dissect whatever it is inside. It is quite effective all the tie by the way. 

This time, I chose puso ng saging again for this recipe since it is high in fiber, rich in micronutrients, improves lactation (and many more) and most of all, cheap. A single banana blossom costs only Php 25-35 at the market and can feed family of five or so. 

Puso ng Saging Lumpia


Puso ng Saging, 250grams/ sliced thinly
One can tuna flakes, drained
Onion, diced
Garlic, diced
Salt and pepper to taste
Vegetale oil


1. Prepare all the ingredients. Make sure to drain well the puso ng saging.
2. Mix all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
3. Wrap about a tablespoon of the mixture in lumpia wrapper.
4. Fry over a medium heat. 
5. Serve hot. Best served with your favorite dipping sauce. 

I am glad my eldest was able to eat alot of this. He even said it was so delicious and didn't ask what was inside but I guess he knows I am trying to feed him vegetables. So let me know if you have tries this already and how it turned out with your kids. 

In this simple recipe today, I am going to share with you one of my favorite tofu recipe. When I crave for Max's sizzling tofu, and have no way of going out, I just whip one in my kitchen and voila, craving satisfied! This is also one of the go-to recipes I when you are in a budget because tofu is cheap and you can find it everywhere. Plus, it is easy to cook and food can be served in 30 minutes. 

Tofu In Creamy Sauce


  • Tofu, fried and cubed
  • Vegetable Oil for frying
  • Alaska Evaporated Milk
  • Maggi Oyster Sauce
  • Salt
  • Pepper powder
  • Chilis
  • Onion, julienned
  • Garlic, minced
  • Cornstarch
  • Water


1. Fry tofu and set aside. Tofu is best cubed when it is not hot anymore as it's consistency gets really soggy. 
2. Saute garlic and onion in vegetable oil until brown. 
3. Add tofu cubes and add about evaporated milk until covered, let is simmer.
4. Add about a three teaspoon of Oyster Sauce (or more depends on your serving).
5. Add a teaspoon of cornstarch with water to thicken the sauce. This step is optional though if you want thick sauce.
6. Drizzle with pepper powder and salt to taste. Add chili. 
7. Serve. 

Let me know if you tried this one. This is so easy to make and one of my go-to recipe when I ran out of ideas. 
Last week, I had so much beef in our freezer because it was the only option in the wet market as all the other vendors were affected by the transport strike. So am left with no choice but to be creative of my dish. So I thought of making a beef stir fry with Broccoli and Aubergine.

In this recipe, will be adding more water to cook the Aubergine and make the sauce thicker because that's the way my kids like it. Also, will be using my favorite oyster sauce from Maggi, because in the kitchen, #AllWeNeedIsMagic. 

Beef Stir fry with Broccoli and Aubergine


Beef, cut into thin strips
Aubergine, sliced in thin quarters
Broccoli, sliced 
Onion, quartered
Garlic, diced
Maggi Oyster Sauce
Sesame Oil
Vegetable Oil for sauteing


1. Pour about two teaspoons of vegetable oil in a pan, saute garlic and onion until brown.
2. Saute beef until tender. Remove and set aside. 
3. Saute Aubergine and add a cup of water. Let it cook until translucent. 
4. Add 3 tablespoon of Maggi Oyster Sauce or desired amount.
5. Add Broccoli, and saute until cooked.
6. Add sesame oil and cornstarch.
7. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
8. Serve hot. 

Let me know if you tried this recipe and please do tag me on your posts. 

PS. The Oyster sauce in this recipe is sealed, because I have a spare one in my cupboard and used that instead. 

The Grumpy Mom

The Super Momma 1:00 AM 0 Comments
I am THE grouchy mom.

The past two weeks, my life has been so redundant. Well, has it not been? I should say that my life has been crazily redundant by being a monster mom. It is so tiring and I am not happy about it. Eversince mom left from her two-week vacation, I felt like I am way too exhausted to adult again. I had laid out my plans prior to her coming here, that at last, I could have a little time to myself and away from the children. When you are a SAHM and no help, you will be overwhelmed with it. But no, none of those plans happened and my mom already left. I was sad and at the same time fine about it for a week but then, it dawned on me that I really needed a break. I had the chance to do it but I wasn't able to.

What displeases me most is when the children’s attitude is getting way out of hand and I am not liking the way I discipline them when it happens because I feel like I loose control of my emotions, wherein I should be the one teaching them how to manage theirs and here I am... losing it. I am the one doing tantrums and it is not right. But then again, what can I do? 

Deal with it.

While I continue to whine about my temporary misery, I think about what others are going through. Some has heavier burdens than I. Some don't even have food on their tables, and we have some and even eat more than five times. Others cannot afford to buy clothes and we are clothed decently. What am I saying is, I am still lucky to have problems and somehow feel like this. It means I am blessed because I am able to assess myself and know that despite the temporary woes every SAHM face, I still have a lot of things to thank for. Waking up everyday and be with my family is more than enough to thank for. My children could be rowdy, but at least, they let me feel that I am their mom and  they need me to take care of them. My house could get more messy most of the time, but it reminds me that I have a decent house to live in. Every crumb in the dining table could be more annoying, but it is a great reminder that I am still blessed that we have food on the table.

Oftentimes, our emotions could overpower our minds. That is when we think that everyday is misery and that we are not entitled to a good life. But know that, every complain we make is already a good life. We can never complain on something unless we have it. Don't we?

So there. I may be a grumpy mom most of the time, but I am always and forever thankful for being one. Because if not, I will never realize how lucky I am to be blessed with my beautiful children. I will never realize how lucky I am to have a family that I serve and love everyday.

Let us all hug every mom out there. It is okay to be grumpy sometimes. It is a reminder that you are doing good. It is a reminder to keep going because the very reason why you are frustrated and losing it sometimes are the very reason why you are called--MOM.

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