Easter Babut

The Super Momma 8:07 AM 0 Comments
Happy Easter every one!

We planned to go to Legazpi VIllage for the Legazpi Sunday Market but since we were both lazy to get up we went around past 10 in the morning. Maybe because it was Easter Sunday, they don't have community market (fail). But we will be back this weekend to grab some exquisite cuisines and fresh produce they sell there.  

Yesterday, LJ was brawling about his desire to swim with his indoor pool but since it was already late I promised him today instead. Prepared a mini easter egg hunt for LJ and when they woke up this morning I asked LJ to look for chocolate eggs hidden in the living room. But he has an immediate answer of "gone" before he even try to look for things. Naku. I hid a few chocolate eggs under some stuffed toys and when I gave him a clue to look under their puppy stuffed toy, he was terrified! Fail! When he found 3 sets of chocolate eggs I asked him to give it to me so I can open it and enjoy the chocolates but at first he was skeptical and what he did he pushed the chairs towards me so I'll be the one to get the chocolate eggs. Talaga naman!

After waking up from their nap, I let them dip in the indoor pool. LJ was already big for the pool and I think we need a bigger one or we should enjoy the beach instead? Oh, I miss Lillie. I hope she gets well soon so we can start the summer adventure. 

Here's the photo from my instagram account.

How did you spend your Easter Sunday? Share yours.

To the people I have wronged, I humbly ask for forgiveness.
To those who have caused me so much pain it may take time to heal a tainted heart but I will slowly unburden myself from too much agony.


TLC : Wait and Carry

TLC : Wait and Carry

The Super Momma 2:22 AM 0 Comments
Since we moved to this new place there was a drastic improvement with my son. Aside from the broadening vocabulary and speech I can now control his tantrums. Hooray! He still have this attitude of trying to assert what he wants alongside the tantrums and more crying spells aka playing actor role but the rest is already manageable.

I heard A crying and LJ knocking the door.

LJ: Open dool (door) mama! Open! Finally opened the door and carried A and asked LJ to wear his slippers.
Me: Baby wear your slippers we're going downstairs.
LJ: Oh no! Gone piper (slipper). He hasn't looked yet but already got an immediate answer. Piper (slipper) are you (where are you)? Found it mama!
Me: That's good. Wear it now then we're going down.
LJ: Kei (Okay). Oh wrong mama? Asking me if he wore it the right way. 
Me: Wrong baby. 
LJ: Wait! Switched the slippers finally got it right. Right mama?
Me: Yes baby. Very good!

Went downstairs and while having the usual snacks LJ gave A a piece of cookie.

LJ: A cooties (cookies). Hod (hold) it. A held the cookie and immediately went to the other side of her playpen. Tityu (thank) you A.

When LJ was finished eating his cookies A started to cry thinking that her brother won't give her cookies anymore because it's already finished.

LJ: Oh no mama, A cry! Mama! Come, carry A!

Ok, did I hear it right??? My son asked me to carry her sister because he knows his sister wants to be carried. My son is growing so fast. Time flies.

Happy me!

The Super Momma 12:38 AM 0 Comments
27 is over. At this very hour I am writing my blog post (while watching tv series marathon of gossip girl) of what transpired from my not-so-extraordinary day. Today marks two things in my life--my birthday and my first official year in blogspot. As much I want to have something special on this very day it turns out to be a mundane of roles (nanny and domestic). My morning started with a crying little girl who wants to be cuddled all morning and a little boy who made a lot of clutter in the living room. Panned to make a small trip to the church to say a silent thanksgiving prayer I couldn't make it possible because J was too busy in the office and went home late. What supposed to be a bonding time for us went to last minute grocery shopping because of the coming holy week. Nevertheless, what made me smile this day is that I had my kids around--who made this house filled with joy, giving me a purpose to move forward and awful eyebags and probably to fill this blog with lots of stories about them. 

I wasn't really expecting for a surprise from J but still, he did. It was midnight when I decided to get myself cold water downstairs and quench my thirst when I switched on the light and saw a vase sitting on the table with flowers emanating sweet scent and a note with a handwriting which looks like my son's scribble (I wonder how he passed the bar with his penmanship?). He calls it just a mere flower and not a gift by the way. 

(My son's pouty lips blowing the candle. Pardon for my oily face and haggard look)

When he came home from work which was already late (yes love you're late!) he was holding a box what looks like to have a cake inside. Now my son has a tad reason to munch a cake because it's his mom's birthday! He was more excited to blow the candle rather than me and both of my kids enjoyed eating it. The little boy who was so happy to feed and share the tasteful frosting with her sister and scoops out the upper layer of the cake with a big spoon was showing genuine happiness and so with the little girl. That's what makes this day a happy one for me. The genuine smile of my kids enjoying sweet nothings everyday--a memory to cherish forever.

(Seeing both of them like this makes my heart melt and thankful that my little girl came too soon).

Side note : J got the cake from Sugarhouse to make it more sosyal daw. He got the Dulce de Leche flavor which I know is a self serving fact because he has a sweet tooth but surprisingly it's sweetness was just right. 
Reflective Thursday : Father's Love
I stumbled upon this video months ago and it's only yesterday that I was able to watch it. I love how the father delivered his message to his future son-in-law. You can feel the sincerity from it. Here's to my wishful thinking that I hope all fathers are like him including mine. 

If only I had a father like him, oh I will be forever grateful.

The past days/weeks hasn't been looking up. Side by side frustrations, exhaustion and delay of some things that needs to be done. I am not a big fan of mañana habit and I hate delaying things especially if the major cause is a crappy one. I don't wanna spread the virus of frustration here but I just want to share my reflections.

I remember my mom used to tell me, "If things aren't looking up the way you expected it to be, it may have a big reason behind. You just have to open up your mind and heart for it." Then again, it dawned on me that maybe He has brighter plans other than me feeling frustrated. 

Aside from the exhaustion that unfolds frustrations, I have to consider that I am a MOM and I have my tots that depends mainly on my mood. If I get cranky all the time, they would also absorb the negative effects of my being. Pretty bad I know. I may be a SAHM yet it wouldn't serve it's purpose if I continue to sulk into frustrations and be pre occupied with it. But instead, I should savor every single moment with my kids after all, they are the reason why I get up even if I fall. 

Mom would also tell me, "Don't let your burden/trials overpower you, you should be the one to take control." I never knew how to deal with my burden before but I did learn to carry and control them the hard way. Yes, I stumble, fall and shed a lot of tears but I did get up. That's what makes it more worthwhile. Now that I have lot more reasons to fight and take control, let me say, "BRING IT ON!"

Foot Spa at Home

Foot Spa at Home

The Super Momma 1:13 AM 0 Comments
I am a self confessed foot fetish. I admire nice manicured nails and rosy feet which fits perfectly nice fitting sandals. (Don't judge :p) In order to achieve a decent looking feet, we have to pamper it more often.

When I was still single I would pay regular visit to either Let's Face it or Dashing Diva every two weeks. I would love to sit in a cozy chair and served with iced tea and somebody is doing the pedicure and foot spa for me. Something that I miss about and one of my sacrifices as a SAHM.

But do you know you can still enjoy it at the comfort of your home? You can do it by using simple ingredients from your kitchen and cupboard. Here are the things you will need:

  • basin
  • warm water
  • calamansi
  • salt
  • pumice
  • bath salt
  • lotion

  1. Boil water enough to cover your feet. Squeeze at least three calamansi juice and two teaspoon of salt to the water. (Calamansi juice refreshes your tired feet, soothes your skin and removes unnecessary odor. Salt is a natural remedy for fungus).
  2. Soak your feet for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove your feet from the warm water and gently apply bath salt from your feet while rubbing it in a circular motion giving particular attention to the heels.
  4. Use pumice to rub the soles or in the areas if you have calluses. 
  5. Wash it with warm water and apply lotion generously. 
All images from google

Have you tried doing it at home? Share your thoughts.

Review : Omron NE C28 Nebulizer
Two years ago when my son was born, he was suspected of having an asthma. Having asthma at a small age is very dreadful for a mom like me especially if he might have attacks on wee hours in the morning. So we decided to get our own nebulizer. We were looking around for nebulizers but left J to decide what brand to get and he got Omron. Below are some advantages of owning a nebulizer.
  • Prevention of Nosocomial Infection. Your nebulizer is for your personal use so you don't have to worry of getting infection acquired from the hospital or cross contamination of infection from other patients. 
  • Saves a lot of money. Nebulization costs p150 in provinces and roughly p300 here in metro and depending on the type of medicine the doctor prescribes also. 
  • Convenience. You can nebulize your child at your own time depending on the sleeping pattern and you won't have to worry on getting his nebulization finished even when your child is cranky because a patient is waiting for their turn. You don't have to rush your child to the nearest health care facility also.

Omron has been in the market for years now and I must say they have done wonderful innovations to their products when it comes to health care equipments. Their equipment designs are made to be more compact, handy and easy to use. What used to be the size of a battery of a car is now the size a doctor's bag. 

Key Features:

  • Includes an adult and child mask which fits your toddler.
  • It comes with a mouthpiece so the fumes will go straight from the mouth to the lungs.
  • The sound is minimal what used to be a terrifying high pitched sound of a compressor. 
  • Handy for a size of a doctor's bag so it can be brought anywhere.
  • The inhalation cup is calibrated and holds up to 7ml of medicine. So you don't have to worry if you are mixing medications. 
  • Lightweight which only weighs 1.9kg compared to the old nebulizers. 
  • Consult your doctor before nebulizing your child. 
  • Measure the medication properly according to doctor's order.
  • Take slow deep breaths to allow the medicine to flow into the airways.
  • Sit in an upright position to ensure proper flow of medication.
  • Wash the inhalation cup, mouthpiece and mask before and after use with soap and water.
  • Do not put medicine more than 7ml in the inhalation cup.
  • Check for medications expiry date and crystallization and discard immediately. 
  • Check the compressor's air filter and change as needed.

First time Moms, Tips on saving
Every parent wants the best for their child especially if they are first time parents. We want to buy the best for them no matter how expensive it is. But don't you think it is much better to save a penny for their future and invest only in the MOST important things they would need? I was once a victim of expensive unnecessary things for my first born and I did regret them after when it will sit on a cabinet and be of no use anymore. Indeed there is always a first time for everything. I want to share to the first time parents few tips on saving.

1. Identify things needed for your newborn. Below are the list of must haves for newborn. Some of these can be gifted or these can be preowned.

  • side tie clothes - at least 6 pieces
  • mittens and booties - at least 6 pairs
  • cloth diaper - two dozen
  • diaper cover/diaper pants - at least 6 pieces
  • receiving blanket - at least 2
  • bonnet - at least 2
  • burp cloth - at least 6 pieces
  • bib - at least 6 pieces
  • diaper clip
When I had my first born I only bought few pairs of baby essentials because mom was such a pack rat. She kept all our stuff when we were babies and my kids were the beneficiaries. They are now using my 27yo cloth diaper and surprisingly it is in pristine condition.  Mom even stitched our names in each of it. Galing noh?  So I only bought side tie clothes and diaper cover/diaper pants for them.

2. Breastfeeding. You can save a lot from this not only the benefits it gives you but also for your newborn. When I had a hard time latching my son for the first month I spent php2,500 per week on his formula milk. Imagine how much you will save for your newborn for breastfeeding?

3 Cloth diapering. There are parents who have different view on this and I respect them. But for me this saved me alot of money. I didn't cloth diaper much my first born. I was only able to do it until his 6 months and later on all disposables and I did regret it. But with my little girl, until now she is on cloth diaper because she has sensitive skin. I only use disposables during bedtime. So my usual consumption for disposables is one diaper per day. I am not just saving a lot of money but I am also saving mother earth. 

4. Essential baby gears/things. Invest ONLY in the needed baby gears and identify the essential ones. Make sure you ensure the safety of your babies in getting these gears. 

  • Bed/playpen - Buy a durable one. DO a research and wait for a sale in the malls. Don't be persuaded by the sales persons on what they will offer you. Focus only on the needed ones. We got our kids the pack and play playpen which is a bassinet/playpen and bed all in one which can be used until the kids' transition to sleep on a bed. 
  • Car seat - Invest on a car seat which can be used until toddler years. You don't wanna buy again another one when your newborn outgrows it. Again do a research. 
  • Stroller - Alot of strollers are out in the market and can be very deceiving as which one to get. First identify what kind of stroller would you need. If you will be needing the bulky, collapsible or the one which can hold a lot of baby gears and most of all which is safe for your newborn.
  • Baby Sling - Prices may also vary from different brands and then again, do a research because baby slings sometimes can be used as a cover when nursing.
  • Baby Rocker -  I didn't buy one of these because aside from it being expensive I don't feel the need for it.
  • Play gym - I planned to buy one of these before with my son when he started to roll to and from his back but when I learned that he is more motivated on simple objects I already backed the idea and suddenly realized he won't be needing it anymore. 
  • Toys - Invest on toys which is 5% toy and 95% creative thinking from your baby. Choose the ones that are safe. All objects can be a toy from empty boxes and empty bottles that makes sounds but make sure you keep an eye on your baby.
  • Baby Bottles -  Choose the ones that are safe for your babies which are BPA free. 
  • Sterilizer - Alot of sterilizers are out in the market again do a research on which one would fit your budget. 
  • Breastpump - Invest in a good one! I was abe to get a flimsy one and wasted php800 for it due to lack of research. 
5. Baby food. This can be very expensive especially if the jar says organic. But there is no better way of giving your babies freshly prepared food from your kitchen free from chemicals and preservatives. 

Hope these tips would help the first time parents out there.

I am so glad the week is over. I'll say goodbye to the exhaustion and stress it brought us and hoping for a positive week ahead. 

Last Saturday when my son woke up from his aftie nap, he suddenly had the urge to go out. He was rummaging his drawer and looking for a shirt to wear and running outside and asks me to look for his shoes. I told him that it was already late and that we can't go out anymore. Anyhow when he calmed down, I promised him we'll take a walk the next day instead. So we went to The Fort Sunday afternoon and took the kids for a walk. Then I got hungry and grabbed something to eat at Jbee.

My little girl enjoying her fries.
The first time I let him hold an ice cream cone and freaks him out every time there is  a drop of ice cream on his hand

Me and my little girl 
OOTD (baby gap sleeveless peplum, Gingersnaps eyelet light blue shorts and payless cowboy boots)

See my hair? That's the effect of my mini DIY ombre hair color with the Keratin treatment. I asked J to take a decent photo showing my hair color. I usually don't go out without hair clips because my head is an avenue of untamed hair strands. Lol

OOTD (blue batwing top with scribbles-thrifted, white shorts-thrifted,spikes accessories-divi)

How was your weekend?

A Birthday Wish

A Birthday Wish

The Super Momma 2:44 PM 0 Comments
March is by far my favorite month of the year for few reasons. One is, fire prevention month (?), my blogversarry, start of summer vacation and oh before I forgot my birthday month. Yes, that is the ultimate. Few days from now there will be a plus one again to my age and every time that day comes, it makes me reminisce my life of how far I have become as a person. I cannot measure the gravity of it but by becoming a mom is the most important thing ever happend to me and Him entrusting me three lives to take care of that I am always thankful and grateful for. 

Few years back, as part of my quarter life crisis (am I the only one in this?) I was rattled of how will my future become. If you were reading my previous posts, I was a plain carefree private nurse working without even thinking of my tomorrow. When I finally met my sugar and gave me wonderful kids, I have come to accept my responsibility as a person and reason of my being. MY FAMILY. And it should come number one in my life. 

I am not a material type of person but I wanted to share my wishlist for my birthday. Making a wishlist for me is part of my distressing and it is something I would love to look forward to if given an opportunity. Here it is:

Who doesn't drool on these babies? It is a must have for a woman to have a bag but I know it is not as expensive as this. But having this in my closet is loooovvve not only that it will be part of my collection but it is one thing that I can pass on to my daughter especially that I have my little monster already. #wishfulthinking

A woman should have at least a piece of jewelry in her drawer. This is my mom's staple but unlike her I am not much of a collector of yellow golds. I would love to have fancy ones. But this is love for me. But the essence of this jewelry is that it should be gifted. Again, #wishfulthinking

Someday I would love to drive the city with this:

I love going places and somehow when the kids grow older they will behave properly inside the car. Why blue? Because I love blue. Why small car? Uhm, I find it cute and sexy. Pagbigyan niyo na ako. :)  

These are my birthday wishlist aka #wishfulthinking. Again they say there's no harm in dreaming and when you do dream big. There's always positive thinking and law of attraction. Maybe time will come that somebody will knock on my doorstep and deliver these babies. 

Enough of my #wishfulthinking and let me share the ultimate birthday wish for myself. Being a SAHM is hard for some of us since we merely depend on our partner's income, well for some but I am saying this in general. Someday I hope I can be self-reliant when it comes to a lot of things. Read my post here. Again it doesn't mean that we are not provided but because a self-reliant person is something for me and I have lived with it for several years since I graduated college. I wanted to inculcate that attitude as well to my kids. I believe He will have a way for me to achieve this and through my faith someday it will.

Meanwhile, as a way of saying thank you that I survived this far in this blogging world and didn't eat me up I am planning to have a mini giveaway as a token of appreciation . I am still cooking up on something and please stay tuned for that. 

What is your birthday wish? Share yours. 

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