I am now in the stage of my parenting wherein I need a partner 24/7 in my life. I need someone to pacify the emotion of one child while I do the bad cope role. But when I am alone, mind you it’s so hard because I have to do both roles and it’s emotionally draining at some point.

Image from google

My toddlers are already arguing every minute of the day and they would continuously annoy each other non-stop. It would mean they would cease-fire only when they sleep. Imagine me making them stop arguing every minute of the day? Everyday survival would be bliss and a little piece of mind to say the least.

Just this morning out of nowhere they argued on something that until now I wasn’t able to figure what it was.

A : Nooooo!
D : Yes!!!!
A : Noooooo!!!
D : Yes onwi!
A : No no noooo!
D : Yess onwi! Yes!

They finally stopped when I hushed both of them. Sometimes it became music to my ears already but when my hormones need its quiet moment, it’s annoying that you want yourself buried under the pillows.

But they really don’t stop and sometimes I just found myself laughing when both of them are already pissed with each other. This afternoon, they had serious conversation, which resulted in unreasonable dispute, eventually to infuriation.

A : Tiiisss! Taaat!
D : Can’t do that!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it A! Stop it!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it right now!
A : Uh uh.
D : Stop it right now! Right now!

Okay. I got tired from laughing! Hahaha! Kulit mode lang ng bawat isa. Hope I can finally be able to minimize the arguing between them so that later on in their life they would love each other unconditionally.

How do you deal with your kids’ arguments? I would love to hear them.

Meanwhile, I would love to share with you a video I found in youtube. The kids are just sooo cute! I can't help but laugh!

All About Love

The Super Momma 4:00 AM 0 Comments
My little boy is now making sense in telling stories and how he relays sequence of events. But sometimes these little toddlers annoys me when they repeat the same question for ten times even though they know they will get the same answer every time. Please don’t judge me, I have those moments wherein I need to get my mind on track but those curious toddlers gets it distracted spontaneously.

Every waking hour, I have to make a reassurance about our LOVE for each other. Not that I don’t show them my love but every day my son would ask me about it and maybe he is just curious of the meaning of the collective word.

Oct. 7, when I gave birth to my little boy

January 28, when I gave birth to my little girl

D : Mama, no love A?
Me : Baby, Mama loves both of you, A and Dodo.
D : Dodo no love A?
Me : She is your sister, you should love her just like Mama loves you also. Okay?
D : Mama, no hug A?
Me : Mama always hugs A and Dodo because Mama is happy and loves you both.
D : Boboy no love A?
Me : Boboy loves Dodo and A.
D : Boboy love house?
Me : Yes.
D : Boboy love night (light)?
Me : Uhm. Yes
D : Boboy love eating time?
Me : Yes!!!

Haha! Attention Boboy! Dodo knows you love eating time.
Pink Eyes : Stye

Pink Eyes : Stye

The Super Momma 1:30 PM 0 Comments
Our breakfast in the morning had a little twist by adding a little humor to it by my curious little boy.

D : Oh no Mama! Happened A eyes? Too pink? Oh no happen?
Me : A’s eyes has a teeny tiny germs on it.
D : Wow! Too pink. Wey Dodo pink eyes mama?
Me : You don’t need a pink eye baby because you’re eyes are okay. It doesn’t have those tiny germs on it.
D : Huh? No pink eyes Dodo? Yook mama! Pink Lips!

Face Palm

I swear mommies it’s too hard to explain sometimes to your kids to their level of understanding without making them confused. I have those times wherein I gasp for proper words and try to make them satisfied with my answer. Oh dear wisdom please stay with me always.

Yesterday, my little girl woke up with a stye on her right eyelid again. This is the second time it happened already. The first time, I nearly freaked out because both of her eyes were affected. Kawawa lang. But she doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. Kulit galore parin naman siya.

Thank you Uncle Google for the answers. I am not an expert on these bacterial infections and some other management I had in my memory bank way back nursing years was buried under my pillow with my anesthesia. J had to do the prime intervention with her because she struggles a lot and he is better at it.

Three simple home remedies for stye:
  • Handwashing. We should wash our hands before and after touching the affected area. We should clean our eyes from any dirt accumulated from it.
  • Warm Compress. Get a damp warm cloth and place it over the affected eyelid. It usually subsides in a week. But once it persists, I suggest seeking consult with a physician.
  • Apply anti-bacterial cream. Use only when the physician prescribes it.

Wake Up!

Wake Up!

The Super Momma 1:00 PM 0 Comments
There are days that I sleep in the wee hours of morning. Sometimes I try to relax before I sleep and what I do is watch a movie before dozing off or finish the chores. Either way, I still sleep late.


Usually I sleep as long as I can but I sometimes forget that I have a permanent alarm clock. When they knock the door it’s a signal that I have to get up already and prepare our breakfast. But there are moments when I want to extend my sleep or should I say to lazy to get up, I would find myself reposed on their bed. Their room is a very conducive place to sleep as it has the biggest window and has always a cool morning breeze. When it happens, there are moments that they just stare at me until the minute I wake up again. It’s funny how I catch them staring at me and quietly whispering to themselves not to wake me up. Mind you, it’s really funny when they have serious conversation. But sometimes when their energy spikes up, I don’t have any choice but to endure their persistence in waking me up. Imagine cutesy little fingers poking your eyes and one little girl pulling your shirt and making her way to your breast and the other one is busy stroking his tiny car on my legs and continuously tells me, “Mama, too wake (awake)!” Like do you have any choice? I don’t. Haha! Sometimes as much as I want to continue the good dream I had I couldn’t because I need to get up and get going. They are a continuous reminder that I am already a mom and not the lazy student who sleeps all day long during weekends. How I wish I could have that time but hey, I still prefer tiny fingers poking my eyes because I am happy waking up each morning seeing their smiling faces.

Do you have lazy days like me? I’d like to hear them! 

A Moments : "Noooo!"

The Super Momma 12:25 PM 0 Comments
Ever since my little girl started to utter single syllable word, it amazes me how she can mimic us. It comes out unexpectedly sometimes and whenever it happens it’s as if she really understands what she is trying to say. Though some few words are still indiscernible, still, she is trying her best to communicate with us. I’m not rushing her by the way. I just want her to take it easy as I enjoy moments like this when they are still trying to fit in the world they are in.

Speaking of which, she is now trying to develop her character. Every now and then she makes her own choices that sometimes I can’t understand the rationale behind it. During our quick vacay after a visit to my cousin who just gave birth last month, we decided to pay a visit to Jollibee as my son was continuously raving about it on our way there. It was timely that it was dinnertime and every one else was hungry.

After I ordered and distributed food for every one, my little girl got so giddy that she was giggling and shattering for joy. Mind you it’s ear wrecking but somehow I get used to it. My mom gave her the burger steak I ordered and she immediately started eating on her own. But because I saw her food falling down from her chair while she keeps on tapping her spoon against the rice, I got it from her and replaced her plate with an empty karton. At that moment all I wanted was to feed her and minimize the mess. But oh no I was surprised when she threw the karton away and uttered a loud “nooooo!” My mom who was seated beside her was shocked. Yes it was the first time she threw away something towards me. But I realized I was wrong by harshly taking her food away from her without asking permission. Oh my. During our short vacay she has made a lot of changes from her from being aggressive to more aggressive and mostly from persistent to more persistent.

I know she looks kawawa there but that is our daily drama. 

This means hurray for more challenges to me to these two balls of energies.

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