Today : Love Only

The Super Momma 7:30 PM 0 Comments
Heeelllppp! Look A! Help me please!!!

Okay, I heard the indication that my day has already started. It will then be the role of referee to the kids again and it would mean two things either : A did something inappropriate again OR they didn’t arrive on common interest.

Kids are kids but no matter how I make them stop, they always have their way of becoming friends again after the fight. I find them sometimes hugging each other OR the little girl would pat D on the head/back OR she would give D a toy car which symbolizes as peace offering.

But there are times that when A is not in good mood and she would ignore her brother when the latter wants to make peace. He would say, “Mama, A don’t love D anymore.” How cute isn’t it? Of course it would mean serious talk with these babies even though I’m not sure if the words really sink in to them I still do it anyway. Then few minutes I would find them playing with matching gibberish conversation (from A) and lots of amusement. 
On Parenting : Audience Impact
Being a parent for more than three years has given me unexpected challenges as well as surprises which comes in different packages. It’s true that parenting is bittersweet unlike of what most people say that it’s ecstatic despite the hard look on their faces. I should also say, the ways on how to deal with your children is limitless since they are different individuals who are trying to discover and adjust themselves in their environment.

I enjoy being a parent no matter how tiring it is and despite the nerve wrecking moments of discipline. It has always been a challenge to most of us moms since we try different approaches to our kids with a goal for them to become better individuals someday.

But sometimes no matter how you do it there are instances that are way beyond control, which is affected by different factors. It wouldn’t be most of the time that we have happy moments, most of it would be hours of raising your voices (but trying not to), repetitive reminders to your kids or the endless running-after-them to ensure you would catch them when they fall.

Yesterday, we celebrated the little girl’s birthday in one of the resorts few hours away from Manila (will be blogging about this soon). It was a day tour and we had buffet lunch by the river and our feet were dipped in the river water. For the first few minutes they were unbelievably behaved. D on the other hand was already manageable and knows what and not to do but should be coupled with endless reminders too. Since the little girl has just turned two, she has a lot of exploring to do with her environment and the challenge for me is the discipline part. Sometimes it gets hard when they fight and when the little girl triggers the “fun” then I know it’ll be impending doom for me.

Now, what I hate is the audience part. I must admit it doesn’t bother me an inch before but it seems that I should breathe out sentiments just like my fellow SAHMs out there. I have a little powerhouse who never ran out of energy and when she resists she is way stronger than me enough for her to take control. She has also has her own set of choices that when I don’t agree on it would mean adversity for the both of us. A is gracing her way towards the “terrible twos” stage and I have yet to formulate my style of discipline to her but, slowly I’m getting there.

When she decided to drop her feet at the water yesterday, her clothes were already soaking wet including her nappy. The mom instinct in me tolerated her for few minutes. But since the water current was so strong and the floor was slippery enough for her to be pushed far away from our table I had to stop her already. Just imagine the next scenario when I had to stop the “fun”. Adjacent to our table there were two couples in their late 50's that were busy lurking and giving me that hey-hold-that-temper look, I was bothered at first, but on a second thought why would I anyway? Then I remembered what I read from other parenting blogs, “they don’t have any idea.” Or maybe they do but they don’t know how hard it would be. Things are different now and I must say it has become more challenging. Our situations these days are yayaless and most mothers are juggling between household chores to work at home to parenting. So save yourself a little time and just go on with your busy life. To other parents out there who have nannies, you are lucky to have extra help and balance in the energy you exert for your kids. But for parents like me, who tries to be on the top of my toes by being a mom, manager of the house, accountant, nurse, wife and lover while taking into consideration as well how I would nurture my kids’ future by shelling them with fun activities and adventure, it is never easy.

To my fellow struggling parents out there, don’t get affected by unimportant audience. Just concentrate on how you will make the most of your life by choosing to enjoy life and shoo away negative entities in your life. It is after all your call as parents to your children. Happy parenting!

Kids Craze Warehouse Sale Loot

The Super Momma 10:00 PM 0 Comments
Last month we were able to visit the Kid’s Craze Warehouse Sale for three times in two consecutive weeks. The best part of the visit happened during the last day of their sale. Ever wonder why? Read on.

The main purpose why we went there was to simply buy holiday gifts for the kids. I know it won’t be a surprise for them anymore because we have to tag them along due to our yayaless situation. On a second thought, we just make them choose the gift they want.

As expected, the room is packed with people from all sorts. They sell items for kids from apparels, shoes and toys. I must say they really have marked down prizes for their items. But because it’s a warehouse sale, some toy boxes are already dented. As we go around, I saw in one corner the Robosapien V2 J has been fancying for years now. Then the boys were glued already and they were both ambivalent as to get the toy or not considering the condition of the box. The toy was originally priced P15000 the last time we saw it at Toys “R Us few years ago, but it was on sale for only P2000! It was indeed a great deal but more of a gamble as whether it will function well or not. Still, J bought the toy and got the little girl a rag doll with a marked down price of P450 from original price of P1500.
The first visit. We got the RS Version 2 Robot and a rag doll for the little girl.
The RS V2 robot's farewell. 

When we arrived home, they were very excited to try it out. It was indeed a great deal for few minutes because it did some tricks and eventually stopped. After few days of contemplation, we decided to return it and get the same item if they still have available or exchange it with a different toy having the same value. When we got there, things have gone worse! He saw a different kind of robot, which, is the RS Media, and the most expensive robot, originally priced at almost P30000 (Amazon price USD999) with a mark down value of P16000. Obviously I am not in favor of splurging that amount for a single toy. Instead, we got Mega Blocks for the kids originally priced at P3500 and we got only for P1800. I also got a pair of Fisher Price shoes for the little girl for only P100, a small RS Version1 robot and some toy cars.

Second visit's loots.
But since J really wanted to have the RS Media, we went there during the last day of the warehouse sale. He was a happy camper because he got to take home the toy and got it from a fraction of the marked down price. We immediately try it out and fortunately the toy is functioning very well. The box is old and dented but the item is still in pristine condition.

Happy Campers.
The kids and the new baby.
My babies had a merry holiday and very happy with their loots. Hope to visit them again this year and looking forward for good finds!

Today : How?

The Super Momma 3:00 PM 0 Comments
This year, I would like to do more writing and update this blog as often as possible. After all, the very reason why I started this is to document my kids’ activities and also to share something worthwhile to all of you. The past year, my blog was all about PR’s and events (which I am thankful for), but I would like to have a more personal touch this time.

So, I am starting my own series, which will tackle my daily ponderings.

This day started with one question. How? My answer, I have no idea.

When we were having breakfast in the morning, my little girl, both hands occupied with cream loaf on her right hand and sandwich on her left hand, while my son is enjoying his overrated breakfast--sandwich, they asked me to sing a nursery rhyme. At first, it was Twinkle Little Star then, Old McDonald then the little boy told me to finally sing Three Little Ducks. Holy moly, I honestly don’t know that song! I saw frustration from my boy’s face but instead I told him, “Why don’t you sing for mama?” Then, he chanted. “Three little ducks went out one day. Up the hill and far away. Mother duck said, quack quack quack. But only one little duck came back.” I was awed. I just clapped my hands as I was really surprised because one, I didn’t teach him the song and two, where did he learn it?

Got her hands busy

During midday, my little girl was busy rummaging my things and got herself a twine. Then little boy told “Mama, skip, jump” and I knew in an instant that he was trying to tell me to teach him how to skip the rope. Wow. But he problem is, it was impossible to use the twine as a skipping rope. Then, they began to quarrel over a single twine. The little girl got hold of it and started making teeny tiny jolts. I tell you, she looks cute doing it.

No matter how they turn the house messy and push my limits, they always have their way to make me awe. Again, I am lucky to have experienced every bit of it.
Changes and Project 2014

Changes and Project 2014

The Super Momma 11:00 AM 0 Comments
I am lost. I have been meaning to write my thoughts down but the chaotic environment makes me just want to sit down relax and enjoy the kids. Everyday has been a crazy day and most of the time it will just be me and my little girl. Recently she has become clingier and cries most f the time when she lost site of me! What happens is I carry her most of the time and tag her wherever I go even meditation time! I leave you the picture of it.


We also have a big project for the year as our goal is to make the house feel like home. Not that we don’t feel cozy here but we want to add more furniture. Last year was settling down because we just moved from a smaller unit to a bigger one. Plus we gave the kids the freedom to play whatever part of the house they like. Since they are already growing up and probably sending them to school already, we plan to set up the living room and replace our dining table with a decent one and get a decent bed as well. I know it needs a lot of buck but with optimism things will definitely go our way. So now, we are in search of a perfect minimalist couch for the living room and the perfect bed in our room. This will need a lot of research work!
What do you look forward this year? Share your thoughts.

A Help For Curtis Lee

The Super Momma 11:03 AM 0 Comments
When I am not busy or should I say, when it is my me-time I would play online games. In this game, I would get acquainted to all sorts of individuals all over the world. And there, I came across a very strong-willed parent who has an ailing child. I admire their strength for having to go through all the pain but yet they remained strong and love their children even more. Curtis, has a little boy named Curtis Lee who was born with short bowel syndrome. When he was an infant, he underwent several surgeries already. Now, they are praying so hard to get the help that they could.

With having to go through all the surgeries and treatments is emotionally and financially draining that’s why they are seeking help through donations/pledges through their website. They would appreciate a small help from you as well as prayers for their little boy.

I know there are kindhearted individuals out there who are willing to donate and help spread the word. A little help means a lot to them. With your kind hearts and prayers let us all help a child enjoy a normal life.

Thank you and we appreciate all the help they can get.

Visit their website here.
Facebook community here

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