Hello there first day of October! Nine months have passed and feels like the year has just started. Few days from now will be my son’s 4thbirthday! Three years have gone by soooo fast! He is a big boy already!

This year was truly amazing, we have survived the highs and lows and still surviving all the mishaps with a smile and bravely face all the challenges. After all, the way to survive and get past through them is to face them right?

First birthday
Second birthday
Third birthday (Ironman cake from Mamanee's Made with Love)
While we celebrate my son’s talkativeness (yeah, non-stop because he likes talking what can I do but to let him), I am also happy and a bit sad for his independence. He can now take a bath, clean his bum and get dressed on his own. Though sometimes he wears his shirt sometimes inside out and underwear back facing front still; he wants to do things on his way now. He also knows his everyday routine and tells his sister to follow me whenever his sister gets rowdy.

When I asked him where he wants to celebrate his 4thbirthday, he said he wants to go fishing! Actually he’s been bugging me to buy a fishing rod and he wants to catch a striped fish and cook it for months already. Where did he get those? No idea. So this momma is on the look for a floating restaurant near metro just to let him experience fishing. Mind you, I don’t even know how to fish because never in my life I have experienced it!

But good things come and our plans have changed in a single snap (will share you some details soon). The birthday celebration is far better than we expected. So now, while we celebrate my son’s birthday, let me take this time to celebrate it with you. I will share to three lucky readers some yummy treats from my recently opened sweet kitchen, Leigh's Treats. You just have to follow the rafflecopter below. We are truly blessed so I thought of sharing them with you as well as my way of thanksgiving.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Receiving the prestigious Anak TV Seal Award did not stop Bonakid Pre-School and GMA Network from renewing their partnership and making their action-packed mom and kid game show bigger and stronger this year. The Anak TV Seal Award is awarded to family-oriented and child-sensitive TV programs in the country and receiving this accolade has inspired Bonakid Pre-School to continue this partnership with GMA Network for an even more exciting Bonakid Pre-School Ready Set Laban Season 2!

Drew Arellano and Regine Tolentino shared new things to look forward for the next season.

The Bonakid Pre-School 
team with partners 
from GMA.

From its audition process down to its game arena, everything about the show just got bigger and more exciting!

This year, Bonakid Pre-School Ready Set Laban 2 calls out all moms and their “Batang May Laban” to join the game show, not only from Metro Manila, but nationwide! Besides bringing its auditions to Cebu, Davao, and Metro Manila, Bonakid Pre-School and GMA Network also open the floor for online auditions. By just visiting www.gmanetwork.com/promos/readysetlaban and submitting the necessary requirements, there is surely no reason for any mom and kid tandem to miss the opportunity of being part of the show.

Youtube sensation Chicser.
Bonakid Pre-School Ready Set Laban 2’s Home Partner Promo even goes digital! Viewers at home can easily participate and win cash prizes. All they have to do is to watch the show and submit their entries at www.gmanetwork.com/promos/readysetlaban. Every week, one lucky home partner will win Php20,000 cash!

As Bonakid Pre-School and GMA Network make the show’s components bigger, they of course, would not forget making the key element of the show - the Game Arena - twice as big from last year! The challenges and activities in the game arena are inspired by Pinoy games that moms today nostalgically grew up with. “We want to encourage kids to experience these Pinoy games just like their moms did. With these games, we want to demonstrate the strength, energy and resilience of these kids and bring out the “Batang May Laban” in them. This is part of Bonakid Pre-School’s commitment to help moms empower their kids so that they will have the strength and confidence to conquer any challenge,” says Claudine Serrano, Product Manager of Bonakid Pre-School.

Hosted by one of the most sought after TV hosts in the country, Drew Arellano, this show will indeed make Sunday mornings bright and cheerful! To quote Drew, “Bonakid Pre-School Ready Set Laban is actually an achieved goal for me. I have been asking my manager for a program, specifically a game show, wherein I would be interacting with kids because I feel like this would bring out more of my fun and light personality. When I was graced with this project, I couldn’t keep my excitement hosting the show.”

Starting on October 5, join Drew for a second season of Bonakid Pre-School Ready Set Laban every Sunday morning (10:45AM) after iBilib, only on GMA Network.

Did you know that liver is the second largest organ in our body? It is a vital organ, which is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen.

Liver functions are as follows:

  • Maintenance of blood sugar levels
  • Conversion of fat and fatty acids to energy
  • Protein metabolism and synthesis
  • Production of bile for fat breakdown
  • Production of triglycerides
  • Metabolism and production of cholesterol (LDL and HDL Cholesterol)
  • Breakdown of toxic substances
  • Storage of vitamins and minerals (A,D,B12, and Iron)

 So why is there a need for us to know the livers’ functions?

The liver being a vital organ, which has a lot of functions, needs to be protected to prevent from getting liver disorders. In this fast paced vast society, where almost everything is served unhealthy, we should be wary of our health including how to handle our body with care.

In 2010, the prevalence of NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) is 7.2 percent that means not only alcoholic individuals who can acquire liver problems but some individuals who are on an “unhealthy” diet for a long time.

Management of NAFLD would be lifestyle modification, regular exercise, eating in moderation and avoiding fatty foods, soda and sugar according to Dr. Arupo-Reyes.

Silymarin a unique flavonoid complex that is derived from the milk thistle plant is number one recommend plant extract for protection and detoxification of our liver.

Hepamin OD having the highest Sylimarin content of 300mg with additional 150mg of other hepato-protective agent. Silymarin is now also being prescribed by physicians as a propylaxis for progressive fatty liver to more severe forms of liver disease.

Recommended dosage: one capsule daily as a dietary supplement, preferrably with meals.

Price: Php 24.50/ capsule, Php 735.00/box

It is exclusively distributed by:

Trianon International, Inc. 
503 Narra Building, 2276 Pasong Tamo Ext., Makati City

It is also available at local drugstores nationwide. 

Have you tried a Liver supplement before? Share your thoughts. 

Numbers and I don’t go really well. We had a bad relationship when I stepped in 5th grade. Everything changed perhaps because I was under a math teacher who doesn’t deliver lessons very well and was in a tough competition before and can no longer keep up. But I have an engineer mother who kept pushing me to learn how to do mental calculation because she claims I will need it in the long run. She was right, but what happened? I never learned it. Ever! Don’t get me wrong though, I know basics and medicine calculations but when it comes to complex equations, when it already involves all the relationships of the alphabet, I just sip my coffee for that.

I am not surprised if Philippines’ math literacy has a very low rank. I for one am included in those who have not-so-good relationship with numbers. We know very well that math is very important in our everyday lives.

Julie Lim, VP of Collins International, Inc. 
“With TOYM (Ten Outstanding Young Mathematicians) Awards, Sharp Calculators aims to foster the academic excellence of the Filipino Youth in Math as we recognize their extraordinary math skills to motivate them further in becoming the future think tanks of this country. We also hope to raise the status of mathematics in society -- to stimulate the interest of the students, the academic and the general public to the significance of Math in the development of the society,” said Collins International Trading Corporation’s Assistant Vice President Mr. Lucero Ong.
Lucero Ong (AVP Collins International), Ruby Cristobal (Div Chief Science and Technology Manpower Educ Research-DOST), Julie Lim (VP Collins International)
“Notable Filipino mathematicians such as Raymundo Favila, Casimiro del Rosario, Gregorio Y. Zara, Amador Muriel, Tito A. Mijares and Jose A. Marasigan have all been recognized for their contributions to diverse fields of physics, astronomy, biophysics and biotechnology. Who knows maybe the next great Mathematician would be among our TOYM awardees,” Mr. Ong added.


  • Open to all public and private high school students in the National Capital Region who have completed at least two years of high school. They must be Filipino citizen either naturalized or born.
  • Nominee must be among the Top 3 students in math as certified by the school principal.
  • The award will be based primarily on the nominee’s performance on national and international competition. These competitions must be recognized by the Department of Education or Department of Science and Technology.
  • Presentations or publications of original work in mathematics are desirable.
  • Students who contribute to the promotion of Mathematics and show leadership skills are desirable. Good moral character will be considered.
Performance in Mathematics Competition
Research and Publications in Mathematics
Leadership and Promotion of Mathematics

The deadline for nominations will be on January 5, 2015, with the awarding ceremonies scheduled on February 2015.

Nomination kits are now available at selected National Book Store Branches in National Capital Region or can be downloaded through www.sharpminds.ph For more information please contact Sharp Calculators at 681-6161/646-2867 and look for Ms. Mary Rose Rocha or Ms. Clara Camille Ocampo

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